How long does this process take from start to finish?
Due to the variations in the rooms where we work, all jobs are unique. One of the biggest impacts on the work schedule is the availability of your chosen material. Once your material is available, we can estimate the number of working days to complete your project.
Do you handle tearing out my old countertops, or do I need another contractor to do this?
If you cannot do it yourself, we will provide you with contact information for contractors.
Do I need to hire a plumber to disconnect my sink?
If you cannot do it yourself, we will provide you with contact information for contractors.
Why is there such a variation in the prices of natural stone?
There are many factors affecting the price of stone; mainly availability, supply and freight. Some stones are readily accessible, while others may exist in remote locations where transportation is difficult. Due to weather, some natural stones are only accessible during certain times of the year.
How do I know if I need to seal my granite?
One method you can use to check if your granite needs to be resealed is to sprinkle some water on your countertops. If the water soaks into the stone and does not bead up, then we would recommend resealing your granite.
Why is it so important to seal my natural stone countertops?
Natural stone is porous, so it is susceptible to staining. The use of a sealer will not prevent stains, but it will provide you with reaction time to clean the stone. All natural stone countertops that we install are sealed before they reach our facility, once again during the fabrication process, and a third time during the installation.
How will I know if my old cabinets can support a new countertop?
Stone countertops can weigh up to 30 pounds per square foot. At the time of template, our “Templating” team will make sure your cabinets are structurally sound to handle the weight of your new countertops.
Can I cut on granite?
Yes, Granite is an extremely tough, durable material and in most cases can be used as a cutting surface without fear of scratching the stone (although knives may dull the surface by repeated cutting on the stone).
How do I maintain my granite countertops?
Natural stone countertops are so popular in commercial and residential installations because they are so durable and easy to maintain. The stone you install today will stay beautiful and functional for generations with very little maintenance.
You SHOULD: clean your countertops with ammonia-free Windex and dry them with a Terrycloth towel, buff them with “000” steel wool to remove difficult grime, and do only light cutting on the granite surface.
You SHOULD NOT: use harsh or abrasive detergents, leave acidic liquids on the surface for extended periods of time, or leave wet rags or sponges laying directly on the surface for extended periods of time.
Can I set hot pans on granite countertops?
Yes, Granite is ideal for kitchens because under normal conditions it will not burn. Granite will not be harmed by hot pots, pans or open flames.
Can I set hot pans on quartz countertops?
NO, Quartz is a good product for kitchens because under normal conditions it will not burn. However, our experience has shown that the manmade elements of quartz such as the epoxy resin can discolor quartz countertops, Granite will not be harmed by hot pots, pans or open flames.
Does granite chip or scratch?
Granite is a very dense material and under normal conditions it is chip and scratch resistant. However, pots, pans and other heavy objects may chip the square edge around a sink area. Several other edge profiles are available that will look beautiful and reduce the chances of chipping.
My sample of granite has pits on the surface. Will I have these on my countertops?
Granite always has tiny spaces or “pits” between the various minerals that comprise its crystalline structure. Most of these pits are barely visible to the naked eye, especially on a large expanse of granite because of its polished, mirror-like finish.
What is a fissure?
At first glance, a fissure may look like a crack. However, a fissure is not a structural defect. Fissures are a result of the immense heat and pressure that formed the granite eons ago. Fissures are one of the natural characteristics that are part of the beauty of natural stone and will not impair the function or durability of the material.